Van Kervel Skool se nuwe 2024 hoofleiers
Charles Terblanche (onderhoofseun)
Marelize Bester (Hoofdogter)
Valentino Loggenberg (Hoofseun
Lizelle van Staden (onderhoofdogter)
Who we are
Van Kervel School caters for learners with special educational needs. Our students mostly include learners who are intellectually challenged and have difficulty in academic and abstract learning styles and who experience barriers in reading, writing and numeracy. They do not benefit from the academically orientated education in mainstream schools because of the tempo, work overload and pressures of mainstream education. These learners benefit more from concrete learning programs where they learn by doing. In most cases they will eventually find employment in practically orientated professions; therefore more emphasis is placed on the skills or vocational learning programs in our school where learners can acquire skills such as panel beating, spray painting, motor vehicle repairing, woodworking, welding, building and maintenance, hospitality studies, early child development, office administration and hairdressing.
Learners are identified by their principals, teachers, parents and school psychologist in a multi-disciplinary team. They can be from a normal primary or high school where they have reached a point where the main stream education will not meet their special needs. Criteria for admission are the following:
● Between the age of 14 years and 16 years;
● In Grade 7 and functioning on at least a Grade 5 in reading, writing and maths;
● Grade 6 learners functioning on Grade 4 level in exceptional cases only.
Application should be made via the school psychologist before August of the previous year. The necessary forms can be obtained at the school where the learner is at present or from the local EMDC. The learner must be accessed by the school psychologist and the parents must give written permission for this. A multi-disciplinary team will decide on placement of the learner and this must be confirmed by the WCED.

Meyer Street, George East.
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044 874 2042/3